Diego Benz and Philippe J.A. Kaiser were able to help found the association Digital Identity and Data Sovereignty (DIDAS for short). The primary goal of DIDAS is to establish and promote Switzerland as a leading ecosystem in the development and introduction of privacy-enhancing technologies, services and products that preserve and apply digital identity and electronically verifiable data. DIDAS' vision is to enable the digital future across a wide range of industries and use cases where individuals, businesses, professionals, government, communities and even connected devices are able to store identity and related, proprietary data on electronic Easily share ways with each other while maintaining data ownership and privacy.

In addition to Diego Benz and Philippe Kaiser, the association was also founded by Vasily Suvorov, Daniel Säuberli, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences (IT), René Hüsler, Alexander Denzler, Ursula Sury, Provicis AG (Daniel Gasteiger), Swisscom Blockain AG (Lukas Hohl). Diego Benz was also appointed to the DIDAS board.

www.didas.ch | https://www.linkedin.com/company/didas/
